The 33 verses (33 Ayats or Manzil Dua) are basically the strongest 33 verses of the Al-Quran. These are among the most powerful verses of the Holy Quran. These verses can be recited regularly like the regular Qur’an recitation, but since the said verse has some special features, it is called 33 verses.
How To Recite 33 Ayats of Al-Quran:
First read Surah Fatiha with Bismillah. Then read the following verses: Surah Baqarah: 1-5 and 255-257 and 284-286, Surah A’raf: 54-56, Bani Israel: 110-111, Saffat: 1-11, Ar Rahman: 33-35, Hashar: 21-24, Surah Jinn: 1-5 and must end with 4 Qul Surahs or Kafirun, Ikhlas, Read Falak and Surah Nas.
How 33 Ayat of Quran Sharif Really Works:
Shaitan Jinn constantly casts a spell on you and tries to sustain that spell. When you listen to verse 33, mercy comes from Allah, which comes when you listen to other verses of the Qur’an, and angels try to purify your body. But since these 33 verses are so powerful it is not possible for Satan to retain the spell and it is destroyed. In this way Satan will constantly try and fail, inshallah. Once the person gets bored and moves away from the person or slows down the spell, the person feels better.
Many times, while listening to verse 33, headache, irritation, anger, it happens to those who have more magic. Genetic patients are more prone to this problem. Sometimes the jinn appears only when you start listening, but even then you should listen. It is not possible to say more in a nutshell, the subject is invisible and it is a bit difficult to convey the big whole. But 100% effective inshallah. Try to read it once if you can listen to it every day.
You can download 33 Ayat PDF file in Arabic from below Link. Manzil Doa 33 Ayat pdf Download with Bangla Meaning as well.

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